Developing Open Educational Resources and Blended Modules for Agriculture and Rural Development

Project's results

Title: Development and publishing Guidelines for growing crops

Rational: In order to provide as much tools as possible which will be usable for interested producers several guidelines will be developed and published in e-format. These Open educational resources (OER) will follow farmers' interest in growing cash crops, or crops which hold best potential to be sold on the market.

The content of these OER will be of the following topics:
  • - Steps to successfully perform soil sampling
  • - Plant protection and IPM
  • - Use of organic waste to obtain organic manure
  • - Producing honey - organically
  • - Organic production, from A-Z

Download Guidelines / Преземи Водичи
Guidelines for soil sampling from agricultural fields

Organic farming - organization, crop rotation and certification

Integrated pest management (IPM)

Organic bee keeping principles

Use of organic waste to obtain organic manure - lumbrihumus

Водич за земање почвени проби од земјоделски површини

Органско земјоделско производство - организација, плодоред и сертификација

Практичен водич за интегрирана заштита на растенијата

Органско пчеларење

Употреба на органски отпад за производство на органско ѓубре - Лумбрихумус
Title: Online Calculator for Fertilizer Use

Rational: Databased Online Calculator is expected to make a difference in introducing Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) in Macedonia. Based upon existing data on soil types, pre-crops, next crop nutrient demand, application of organic matter and other factors that determine should a fertilizer be applied and in which amounts, farmers and professionals will have a tool on with which will be able to calculate the exact quantity of fertilizer and of which composition.

mobile link: Agrohemiski kalkulator

Title: Online Pesticide Database

Rational: Pesticides are farmers' major tool in controlling manifestation of pest and disease on grown crops. Online Pesticide Database (OPD) will contain data for every pesticide who has been permitted to be used on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in recommended concentration. This data base will provide information for proper use of every pesticide, its recommended concentration, and crops on which that pesticide can be used and what is the latest term it can be applied. The OPD will contain pest/disease description, a picture of the pest/diesase of different development, along with suggested pesticide for resolving the problem. It will also be able to be upgraded and expanded in accordance to the arising needs of the farmers.

web link: obp.ugd.edu.mk

Title: Courses 1 & 2

Course 1: This course will tend to transfer know-how to the training participants on the significance of proper use of fertilizers in obtaining competitive product on the market, the principle of proper soil sampling in order to obtain real laboratory results thus being able to determine should there be fertilizer application or there should be not.

In order to obtain best possible transfer of know-how tutorial each participant will receive a tutorial which will serve as a support to the trainees during training session. This tutorial will be in a form of compendium, consisting of slides, explanation text and suggestions. It will be irreplaceable tool for deepening obtained skills by the trainee during and after the course ends.

Course 2: Organic farming is an ultimate way of agricultural production. It restrains from use of fertilizers and pesticides of synthetic nature, depending only on those obtained from natural origin. Furthermore, this growing principle recognizes the environment (plants and animals) as a part of one another, meaning it recognizes the necessity to "loose some of the yield due to pest/disease outbreak". Another important characteristics is the principles of tracking, and certification, as it is the only way to obtain certificate for organically produced product.

In order to obtain best possible transfer of know-how each participant will be provided with a document, which will serve as a support to the "lectures" he/she will receive during training session. This tutorial will be in a form of compendium, consisting of slides, explanation text and suggestions given to the training participant by the lecturer. It will be irreplaceable tool for deepening obtained skills by the trainee during and after the course ends. As far as this course is concerned, the tutorial will refer to the specifics of the organic production with special emphasis on the proper crop rotation, use of beneficial crops, pests, inter-cropping systems, location selection and control of most significant diseases.
Title: Accredited module - Improved plant and environmental protection and adequate use of pesticides by using IT based tools

Rational: Improper plant protection is one of the highest environmental hazards. Killing not just the harmful organisms but beneficial ones as well, and causes serious health issues on humans and the rest of the animals as well.

This module will address this issue through a series of activities:
  • - develop & issue (upload) on-line OER on most significant pests & diseases on economically most significant crops in Macedonia (grapes, peaches, apples, tomatoes, pepper)
  • - will create an on-line platform which will present weather conditions on several production
  • - sites in Macedonia
  • - will develop and upload an on-line pesticide data base containing pesticides registered for
  • - use in Macedonia, which can be searched by:
  • - active ingredient
  • - pesticide commercial name
  • - plants on which the pesticide is registered for application

The data base will contain using parameters for each pesticide (concentration, crops on which can be used, diseases on which has effect).

Due to its complexity, this course will be offered for use only through classical workshop based course. Participants will attend certain amounts of lectures and will have to be checked for obtained knowledge.

Yet, for the remaining of the users (students, general population, small farmers), the on-line tools (pesticide data base, weather conditions platform) will be offered for use free of charge.

Due to the complexity of this outcome, as in the previous outcome it will be accredited by the National authorities after the project will end.
Title: Courses 3 & 4


Course 3: Integrated Pest Management on vegetables and continental fruits (apple, pear) and grape (table&wine) is a technique of agricultural production based on respecting environmental protection, yet applying techniques which guarantee best possible yields and production of safe food. This production technique relies on monitoring the parameters that determine certain crop production and based upon obtained results from the monitoring process, necessary intervention are taken. Unfortunately, Macedonian farmers possess very little knowledge what IPM is all about.

The course designers will have to elaborate on the IPM approach, techniques and principles as well as to choose 2 crops which will be subject of elaboration during training session. He/she will have to produce a tutorial that will serve the need of the trainees in order to follow the lectures and later to remind them on certain aspects during their daily routine.

The course participants will receive hand-out on which will serve their needs to follow the lectures. The course design will give special attention to the techniques that characterize the IPM. Furthermore, the teacher will use presentation tools in order to make the matter as easy for comprehension as possible.

Course 4: Plant protection in organic farming is quite complex process. It relies on use of naturally produced preparations and mixtures, often considered too complex to be prepared by the farmers so they give-up even before trying to prepare them. The course designers will have to elaborate the use of available means in preparation of preparations and mixtures (insecticides & fungicides) as well as the use of natural products in plant protection, such are milk, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) etc.
Title: Accredited module - Rational use of fertilizers for optimal yields and environmental protection

Rational: In order to provide means to satisfy farmers need to have certain amount of knowledge upgrade at certified institution, project partners will develop a module, covering all possible aspects related to soil sampling procedure, proper methodology, precise sample labeling, filling on-line laboratory forms and finally, understanding laboratory findings.

Participants will have two choices on their disposal:
  • - to attend on classic workshop-based seminar or
  • - to have an on-line course but will have to attend testing at UGD premises.

For the e-DL concept, the course will be uploaded on a platform and will be offered for use via internet (e-distant learning) as for the classical workshop-concept participants will attend multi-day attendance at the UGD training center.

Due to the complexity of this outcome, as in the previous outcome it will be accredited by the National authorities after the project will end.